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Visit Batam - Barelang Bridge


The Barelang Bridge (Jembatan Barelang) is a chain of 6 bridges of various types that connect the islands of Batam, Rempang, and Galang, giving the system its name. The smaller islands of Tonton, Nipah, and Setotok (considered as parts of the Batam Island chain itself) connect Batam and Rempang, the entire Barelang region covers 715 sq km.

The bridge is an icon of the local area and is a popular tourism site.

Some locals call the bridge Jembatan Habibie after Jusuf Habibie, who oversaw the project in construction, aiming to transform the Rempang and Galang

islands into industrial sites (resembling present-day Batam). However, the bridge site has grown more into a tourist attraction rather than a transportation route.

The total stretch of all 6 bridges totals to 2 kilometers. Traveling from the first bridge to the last takes about 60 minutes. Construction of the bridges started in 1992 and took names from the fifteenth- to eighteenth-century rulers of the Melayu-Riau Kingdom.

The Tengku Fisabilillah bridge connects Batam and Tonton island. It stretches for 642 meters and is the most popular bridge of all, being a cable-stayed bridge with two 199 m high pylons and main span 350 m. Tonton-Nipah Bridge is a cantilever bridge with a total length of 420 m and main span 160 m. Setoko-Nipah Bridge is a girder bridge with a total length of 270 m and main span 45 m. Setoko-Rempang Bridge is a cantilever bridge with a total length of 365 m and a main span of 145 m. Barelang Bridge (Rempang-Galang Bridge) is an arch bridge with a total length of 385 m and a main span of 245 m.

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 ADDRESS: Jl. Taman Kota Mas, Tj. Uma, Kec. Lubuk Baja, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29444

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